My goal is for everyone to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy while remaining eco friendly and ethically mindful. I truly hope you enjoy these hand made products and am grateful for your support.
White Rabbit Wax Co. wax is made from a blend of 80% organic coconut wax and 20% soy wax making it completely plant based. The vast majority of candles and wax melts are currently made from parrafin wax which is derived from petroleum, coal, and/or shale oil. Burning parrafin wax creates benzene and tolulene which can be very harmful when breathed in. I have chosen a blend which is 80% derived from the meat of the coconut itself which is a clean and sustainable resource. This wax is blended with 20% soy wax in order for the final product to hold it's shape. Coconut wax is also known for its superior hot and cold scent throw, and burns longer and cleaner than other waxes. Because my blend is a softer wax, you may feel natural oils on your skin when handling it more than you would with non plant based waxes.
Synthetic mica is used to achieve the beautiful shimmer in my wax. Plastic glitter is extremely harmful to the environment and finds it way into our waterways where it is ingested by sea life and birds. It never degrades and remains in the environment indefinitely. Natural mica is largely sourced from India and heavily tied to child slave labor. It is very difficult to prove that any mica used in products has not been involved in child slave labor at some point during it's chain of sourcing. This is why large cruelty free companies such as Lush cosmetics, Charlotte Tilbury, Bare Minerals, Too Faced, and many more have pledged to be mica free. Synthetic mica, otherwise known as fluorophlogopite, is man made from natural materials and is an ethical alternative to plastic glitter or mica.
Why wax melts instead of candles? Glass jar candles have a wick and open flame which produce soot. This soot is released into the air you breathe in your home. Also, if the wax is not completely cleaned out of the glass jar (most are disposed of when only 3/4 used) it is not recyclable and ends up in landfills indefinitely. Glass is one of the longest lasting man made materials. A recent study by the NH Department of Environmental Services shows that glass can take up to 1 million years to decompose.
Other ethical commitments I have made are that all of the fragrance oils used in my products are phthalate free, and all dyes used in my products are 100% vegan. Lastly, all of the packaging at White Rabbit Co. is either recyclable with your normal recycling (#1 or #2 inside recyclable symbol), biodegradable, and/or made from a percentage of post consumer recycled materials.
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